From ‘Queen-tisentially’ British Buxton water, to the Pimms o’clock stats news story in the Metro today, and a ‘Right Royal Dine in for 2 meal’ from Marks and Spencer’s. Matalan urges you to ‘Kit out your Royal Family’, thanks her majesty on our behalf for the long weekend. With liked and loved British brands, getting into bed with the Queen is like putting strawberries with cream. A perfect combo.
Other brands must run into more trouble.
So, in light of their valiant effort, the Jubilee Advertising Award has to go to my new favourite advertising team, the one in charge of Jungle Formula insect repellant.
Flies + photoshop = bunting. Sorted.
Innovation in the Mobile Sector goes to our good friends at Swiftkey, who have updated their hit Android keyboard app to include Queen’s English. Timely, and different.
As if we needed more confirmation that mobile is big and here to stay, the humble QR code has made its way into the monarchy’s media mix. Scan, enjoy, loyal subject. By Royal Decree, we urge you to enjoy the long weekend.
Olympics here we come…
Written for Somo and first published here:
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